Become A Member

Unless we have agreed a particular level of service with you, we make absolutely no promises about the quality or existence of any of our services. Please read below Terms Of Use ( TOU)

What you agree

You agree not to use our websites to do any of the following:

  • Anything which is illegal either where you are in the world, or where we are.
  • Cause nuisance to other users of our services.
  • Interfere with the normal running of our services.
  • Not to upload any photographs under Matrimony section other than you are authorized by them or they are your family members.


You agree not to use our websites to do any of the following:
Some of our services require you to create an account in order to make certain kinds of, or any, use of the service. All our accounts are subject to the following rules.
You must be at least 13 years old and a human being.

  • If asked for any personal details, you must answer truthfully (see our privacy policy for what we do with those details). You must supply us with a valid e-mail address.
  • You are responsible for the security of your accounts and making sure that any contact details in the account are kept up to date. If we need to contact you but are unable to do so, for example because your e-mail address is no longer valid, then any consequences of that failure will be your responsibility.
  • You must not let anyone else use your account. If pressure is applied to you to do so, please inform them that their attempt to subvert your agreement with us will mean that they have no permission to use any of our services. We may take action, including criminal prosecution, if they use our services using an account they have obtained in this way.
  • You must let us know of any unauthorised use of your account as soon as you are able to after becoming aware of it.
  • We reserve rights to suspend or terminate your account at any time. Equally, you may close your account at any time

Community members

By registering as a community member, you are acknowledging your connection to us. You are subject to any rules for community members we may publish and we may send you email messages we think appropriate for members, for example in order to poll you on some important issue.

Liability Indemnities — where you may owe us

If you breach any of your obligations under this agreement and, as a result, cause us to be sued by anyone else, you will have to compensate us for any loss we have suffered as a result, which includes any costs, such as paying lawyers, or for our own time, we incur defending a claim as well as any damages awarded.
If your breach causes you to be sued by someone else, you will not sue us for any loss you suffer as a result.

General conditions

This agreement
We may update these terms and conditions at any time. If we do so, we will announce the change by email to all registered users. Any changes will be binding on you from the moment we announce them.